Now all ya gotta do is bigfoot footage. I think i saw him in my backyard once....then i realized it was just chewbacca. anyway, keep up the good work with your claymation. i feel another hulky sequel coming on
Now all ya gotta do is bigfoot footage. I think i saw him in my backyard once....then i realized it was just chewbacca. anyway, keep up the good work with your claymation. i feel another hulky sequel coming on
Very nicely done.
Okay, for all you "haters" out there, this is a good flash. It was enjoyable, the grafics were good, and I don't know how he pulled off animating that one huge explosion, looked pretty hard to do, but this was a top-notch job. So don't complain about this flash until you've tried using the program itself, because I guarentee you won't know what to do.
Keep up the good work
It was all right...
Seems you stole some simpsons lines, tho, and punk music....ghey.
LoL I think that was great!
That, is pretty....damn....good! I like your style;claymation, and how you respond to everyone's reviews. Fun to read :P
You gotta do Lego vs. Clay, since people usually have those lego movies which I find irritating. Anyhow, good work :)
ive seen those lego movies,there ok.
thanks im glad you read my responses!...la la...bye bye
Sweet flash.
That was enjoyable...usually sprite movies stink, like Link's Quest For Ass....how'd that stay on NG when all it is basically is a buncha swearing mixed with a bunch of sprite sex? Anyone who draws dong's on flashes truly likes them. ANyhow, good flash! very good animations, and the first fight scene rocked...
sex sells my man
That was awsome :P
lol, that sends out a good message....I think you'll do JUST fine on newgrounds :)
Pretty damn good
I'll admit, that was much like a short clip from an episode of the new show which now sucks cuz they ALWAYS have to have some grade 5 anime kids running around, but i hate the fact that everything past the chaos emerald transformation was too Anime-ish. The struggles, the energy they shot fro mtheir hand...just because Sonic ripped off dragonball z with the yellow hair and 7 emeralds in place of 7 dragonballs doesn't mean he can shoot energy :P
anyway, keep up the good work.
Heh, I never knew clay could be that funny!
LoL, your animation, is....quite great! I wasn't expecting the ending, but hell, I loved that. and What figure is that gun off of? I could use something like that for my Optimus Prime...
its a GJ joe gun..my old toys...brings back memories...back when nothing mattered...those were the days..
Sorry, but this could have been a LOT better.
To be continued? come on man, i didn't sit through all of that to see 3 of my most hatred words appear on the flash.
It was still pretty good, but you tried to make samus way too...well, i dont know the word, but her attitude wasnt that great.
Flash Movies...I gotta make 'em, you gotta review 'em. Simple as that. Thanks for all the positive reviews, Newgrounds! Without you I wouldn't be here making what I do today. I started out really bad and I still got your support. Thank you!
Age 37, Male
Niagara Falls
Joined on 8/15/02